Wolff & Partners SARL is a specialized advisory firm addressing all global compliance and regulatory needs of its clients. The firm is based in the Principality of Monaco and provides regulatory consulting as well as advisory services regarding the application of international treaties and foreign laws (including EU law) in Monaco.
Monaco, as an independent Principality is, in a globalized world, subject to supra-national rules that impact the daily operations of businesses. Some of these rules have been transposed into domestic law, others need to be applied as a result of international treaties (e.g. traité franco-monégasque) and best practices. Most economic operators are unable to operate in a globalized world if they do not follow best practices in applying anti-money laundering and terrorist financing rules, anti-bribery procedures, economic sanctions regimes, data protection policies and ESG practices.
Wolff & Partners SARL aims at assisting its clients to navigate these complex rules and enable its clients to adopt international best practices. Wolff & Partners SARL interacts with the Monaco and international regulators and is available to assist its clients in internal and external investigations. In order to raise awareness, Wolff & Partners SARL organizes trainings and regulatory updates for its clients.
Wolff & Partners SARL was founded by Jean-Claude Wolff, a senior professional in the industry and relies on a highly qualified team. Jean-Claude started his career as a New York based attorney at law and later practiced law as member of the Luxembourg and Paris bar as well as a solicitor of England and Wales.
Jean-Claude is supported by his team and relies on privileged relationships with other specialized advisors in Monaco and globally. Wolff & Partners SARL regularly cooperates with the Global Compliance and Regulatory Investigations practice of Wolff & Partners SCS, a Luxembourg law firm, to support it with all European law related matters, as well with specialized outside counsel in various jurisdictions to offer a unique proposal to its clients.